Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Pig//Control, Dry Heaves, Jaded Eyes @ the Fox and Newt, Leeds

Saying you’ll go to a Sunday night gig is always a dubious proposition, entirely dependent on the amount of cash frittered away over the previous couple of days, and levels of fragility/rum flu allowing for movement. However last weekend’s line up at the Fox and Newt was too good to miss out on, a stance I clearly shared with a fair few of Leeds’ music patrons. We missed opening act the Platitudes, a local ska punk band whose inclusion on a hardcore bill seemed odd – not having seen them though, I couldn’t comment on how they went down. Luckily we reached the pub in time to see Jaded Eyes, a band made up of local scene veterans who wear their influences on their sleeves. With a name taken from a Government Issue song, and featuring ex members of the Voorhees and the Horror, they ripped through a set of Dischord influence hardcore punk which immediately grabbed the attention of the quickly growing crowd. This DC influence is muddied with a slightly debauched edge - no more than in 'Factotum', whose title is taken from a Bukowski novel -
which, along with the hoarsely shouted vocals, place the band firmly within a strong tradition of throat ripping Northern hardcore. Definitely a band to keep an eye on, especially with a record out later in the year.
With the crowd amped, and slightly pissed in many cases, Sheffield’s Dry Heaves hit the stage and pummelled eardrums with a set of thrashy 80s style hardcore. If you get the chance go and see them (if you live in Yorkshire chances are you will, due to a heavy gigging work ethic), this is abrasive music at its rawest. Headlining tonight’s show were Pig//Control from Berlin, who I hadn’t checked out before but was informed were alumni of various rad German hardcore bands. This proved to be a good tip off, as we were treated to an ear melting set of D-Beat influenced hardcore; short fast songs, squeals of distortion and ferocious vocals melded to create an inescapable wall of noise which grabbed by the throat and didn’t let go. Despite a surprisingly quick cut off, possibly from the venue, no-one could feel cheated after seeing a line up like that. I staggered home, ears ringing, safe in the knowledge that the hardcore scene in Yorkshire is going from strength to strength.

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