Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Choking Victim plus support @ The Haunt, Brighton

Choking Victim are synonymous with anyone who has come across a crusty, dreaded, pierced individual, with songs about scabies, drugs, media and how rubbish it is being in a capitalist society. They're also a crack rock steady band through and through, and I've loved them to pieces since I first heard them.

Brighton is not my favourite place in the world. So after taking the afternoon off work we headed down to the coast nice and early to get some rum drinking in on the beach, hiding away from any hipster types. Of course it didn't take too long to get into the rum-hole and starting being a bit of a cunt to Wetherspoons barstaff and generally staggering around near the seafront looking lost, dazed and confused. And this was before the gig...

We got to the Haunt, which wasn't really like anywhere I'd been before. Mid size, with a balcony, and a weird little seating area close to the front of the stage. Naturally, we'd missed all the support bands, apart from the last one and I don't even know who they were. They were ok, playing ska punk with enthusiasm so we got our feet moving. The place didn't seem that full at this point, and you knew everyone just wanted to see one band. Or should I say one man...

Stza took to the stage and it became apparent that this was his show. There were no other members of Choking Victim present apart from him. It's always great to hear Choking Victim songs live, and they played everything I wanted to hear, and what the crowd wanted to hear too. I'm not saying it was bad, I threw myself about all over the place! I loved hearing Infested, Money, Crack Rock Steady, Fucked Reality, 5 Finger Discount and 500 Channels. Those songs will always be amazing live so although it was disappointing that this was the Stza show, it was still good to hear those tracks. I left the gig with broken glasses, a wrist and hand that didn't work and was incredibly disorientated. Best Monday night in a while, if a bit of a disappointment.


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